Why does secrecy fascinate me?
It must be to do with my decade of closeted-ness followed by years of cringingly and embarrassedly coming out to friends, family and work colleagues.
From the age of 9 or 10 my 'dirty little secret' gradually became my whole sexual identity and lies came like reflexes to protect me from the condemnation and rejection I had been trained to believe would result from its discovery. Ten years of leading a double life. Ten developmentally significant years of keeping the biggest secret ever. What you saw was not what you got! Ten years of blatant lying. Portraying myself not as I was but as I believed others expected me to be. Ten years of damped down spontaneity, growing a false self, a hard crust to defend my true inner core. Ten years of homophobically driven self imposed social sexual isolation. Inured against authenticity and deprived of sexual and emotional intimacy. Despising those who purported to like the sham person I pretended to be. Drawn to those who disliked me. They at least seemed to have a better perspective on what I was all about. What did that 10 years of duplicity and dissimulation do to my sense of integrity? By the age of 20 I’d certainly developed the capacity to be a totally deceitful lying bastard!
Well, not totally-as a good catholic boy I tried my best to be honest about everything else but when it came to my sexuality the truth was nowhere to be seen. And because my lying was all about my sexuality, it meant that not only was lying a deeply central feature of my personality but it also became powerfully eroticised. Lying and being queer had strong associations with each other and were therefore both charged with sexiness and danger.
I’m now in my Thirtieth year of coming out. Being honest with myself and bearing witness to others in various shapes and forms that I will not allow homophobia to intimidate my nature into pretending it is anything other than it is.
However I’ve recently been toying with the idea of redeveloping a secret self (regular readers will know about my totally anonymous blog www.gaysocrates.blogspot.com)
The way I see it is that generally sexuality is a mysterious and private aspect of an individual's personality. If you’re heterosexual you aren’t expected to be explicit and specify to others what your sexual likes, kinks and preferences are. So when we come out we sacrifice a significant aspect of this secrecy, which is the birthright of our straight peers.
I’m not advocating going back into the closet, but if you’ve had years of secrecy sculpting and shaping your identity then the coming out process may have forced some of your private aspects to have been more public than they ought to have been. People shouldn’t be able to access all areas of who you are and it’s really worth discovering your private secret self in a fully conscious way.
Start writing a secret journal or create an anonymous blog where only you have influence over what you write or post.
The danger we all face is that unless we own up to our ignored secret side it has a nasty habit of inhabiting our lives anyway.
This is my column for the November Issue of GSCENE-Secrets and Lies